Occupational risk & exposure profiles

Consulting services

What is an OREP?

Occupational Risk & Exposure Profiles (“OREPs”) are tools that collate in a succinct summarised format, two categories of information about a job.

  • The inherent job capability requirements attached to job positions (and the PPE requirements).
  • The risk-rated health hazards to which job positions are potentially exposed.

The following image illustrates a blank Synergee OREP.


  • Each OREP represents a job or group of similar occupations.
  • On the left side, the jobs “inherent requirements” are outlined. They may be assigned a score according to the level of capability required. Note that PPE is included in this section.
  • On the right side, the job’s health hazards are outlined. They are usually scored as per the WHRA risk matrix.

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Why are OREPs important?

OREPs accomplish several objectives, such as to:

  • Secure legal compliance (Employment Equity Act, Labour Relations Act, Occupational Health & Safety Act, Mines Health & Safety Act, National Road Traffic Act, and others)
  • Determine medical testing requirements
  • Provide inputs for incapacity management
  • Guide training needs
How are OREPs compiled?

The inherent requirements of the job (left side of the OREP)

These are obtained through interviews with the appropriate people who know the essential functions of the job, such as the employees in the jobs and their line managers. Capability requirement scores are assigned using Synergee’s tables of pre-determined scores to improve the reproducibility of these ratings.

Optionally, the following scores may also be assigned:

  • Consequence Scores are determined by the potential severity of an incident that may occur if the capability standard is not met. These scores are assigned using the standard Synergee safety risk matrix.
  • Probability Scores are determined by the probability of an incident that may occur if the capability standard is not met. These scores are assigned using the standard Synergee safety risk matrix.

The health hazards to which the job may be exposed (right side of the OREP)

These are obtained through interviews with the appropriate people who know the job, or by our direct observation, plus evaluation of WHRA reports. Harmfulness and exposure scores are assigned using Synergee’s standardised 5×5 health risk matrix to improve the reproducibility of these ratings.

The following image illustrates these components of the OREP.

Occupational Risk

The following image describes the sequence of events that enable the compilation of OREPs, as well as how they fit into a medical testing strategy. The image also points out that OREPs can be used for training, guiding recruitment strategy, and facilitating employee work performance.

OH Specialist

How do we help you with your Occupational Risk & Exposure Profiles?

  1. We can guide you in developing your own OREPs. We have the tools, written procedures, and training materials to get you going quickly.
  2. We also have fast track tools that will help you to build summary OREPs to every job in the company, in a database format. This is a winning way to build the medical testing protocols and calculate your annual testing budget in a flash.
  3. If you already have OREPs, we could take a look at your OREP strategy and identify gaps.
  4. We could assist by conducting any of, or parts of, your chemical toxicology assessments – and provide you with the outputs plus a report.